What is Network Marketing?
I have made it my task to inform you sufficiently about the business model of the 21st century.
Your guide to your journey into the world of network marketing.
What is network marketing?
Network marketing (American "multi-level marketing - short form MLM") is a special form of direct sales, more precisely, a modern form of recommendation marketing.
Network Marketing got its start in the USA. During the economic crisis of the 1930s and 1940s, business people looked for new business models to slowly and surely rebuild the economy.
The observations revealed that recommendations have a very large influence on a customer's purchasing decisions. This laid the basis for multi-level marketing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages in network marketing?
Anyone who has already decided on network marketing knows that there is more to it than just working whenever you want. It is a very unique way of working that brings enormous advantages and is rarely found in other professions.
Nevertheless, the business model is still being sold with a quick buck for doing nothing. At the latest after a few weeks in network marketing, most people know that there is a lot more to it than just casually talking to people.
Based on the advantages and disadvantages that I describe in the article, you can find out quite well whether network marketing is something for you.
Is network marketing legal? Is Network Marketing a cult?
No other business model is more misunderstood and dragged through the mud than network marketing. I too, like so many people, had my views on network marketing.
But as an entrepreneur I have learned: question what you reject prematurely and get a comprehensive picture for yourself. I did this.
In this article I deal with the network marketing business model and at the same time clarify all the lies, myths and untruths that unfortunately still circulate about network marketing.

"Investing in a network marketing company was the best I've ever made."
Warren Buffett
Multi-billionaire and major investor

What do you earn in network marketing?
Lots of people want to get rich. But few want to do what is necessary.
As in any self-employment, it depends on your enthusiasm, your diligence and your willingness to develop yourself.
If you ask this"What do you earn in network marketing?" enters into Google more than 12 million search entries. In this podcast episode I will give you a few concrete income examples. So you have a clear picture of what to expect. Be sure to listen!
How much time do I have to spend on network marketing?
Reconciling family, career and free time in the best possible way and at the same time keeping all family members happy is an art in itself.
How do you manage to start a side business without it all becoming too much for you?
The good news, it works. With the help of the time matrix, you too can get your work-life balance on the right track.

How does a networker work?
In this podcast episode I answer the following questions:
★ What does your daily routine look like or what should a networker's daily routine look like?
★ Which industry or people are particularly open to network marketing?
★ Based on your experience, what would you make stronger from the start?
★ What would you do differently in retrospect?
★ Who is an expert in each product in the upline?
★ How many team partners do you have and how much annual turnover do you generate?
★ How much time do you spend on individual coaching?
★ Who supports you in the areas of marketing, back office, organization and coordination?
"Rich people search and build networks, the rest are looking for work."
Robert T Kiyosaki
Multi-Billionaire, Major Investor, and Bestselling Author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
Does Network Marketing Really Work?
I am living proof. It works! What is possible for me is also possible for you.
If you are still not sure whether you should get into network marketing, then take a look at my 100% free online course "The Networker".
In this course I will guide you through the job profile of a networker.
I'll tell you everything you need to know to start in network marketing.

What does network marketing need?
★ Burning desire you only stop when you have reached your goal.
★ Diligence and Perseverance, nothing comes from nothing. Millionaires have never fallen from the sky
★ Willingness to learn Network Marketing offers you a large repertoire to educate yourself further.
Only if you are passionate about it will you stick with it - on what you do and on your dreams.
How do you organize a network marketing business as a mom?
Balancing work and family is not always easy. This is the case as an employee, but also as a classic entrepreneur.
And at the beginning, that seems to be the case in network marketing as well.
You build something up, invest time. But: The temporal phase of the imbalance between job and family is much shorter and finite.
In this podcast episode, I show you the rewards your kids get when you decide to be a networker and are willing to walk the path.

"Network Marketing conveys core values to people and gives them the chance to do more with their lives."
Bill clinton
Former US President
Your top 4 episodes for a successful start in network marketing

Your breakthrough: Why you don't have to be perfect to be successful with network marketing

Taxes in Network Marketing | 7 tips for beginners and advanced users

The success factor PATIENCE - 5 steps to keep going

HIGH PERFORMANCE in network marketing - 6 questions that will get you to your destination
Have you already thought about your future? How do you want your life to look like in 10 or 20 years?